Active Listening / Active Waiting

Isaiah 33:8-10, 35:1-10


Bongo Drum (da)

Piano (d-f-d-c-f-c-b-c-g-f-f-f-a-f)

Reader 1

Reader 2


[Prayer of Illumination]

(Silence 20 Seconds)


Reader 1:  Look, the valiant heroes cry aloud in the streets; (da-da-da-DA)

                        Reader 2: the envoys of peace weep bitterly. (da-da-da-DA)

            Reader 1: The highways are deserted, (DA-DA-DA)

                        Reader 2: no travelers are on the roads. (Silence – 30 full seconds)


Pastor: Whose voice can be heard above the cry of the Gun?

Those who speak out are silenced by one pull of the trigger.  

All around the world, Peaceful protesters are being cut down in the streets.

Government policies turn communities into deserts.

Populations are relocated to prison cells and labor camps.

(Silence – 1 Minute)


Reader 1: The covenant has crumbled, (Silence five full seconds)


Reader 1: The cities are despised, (Silence five full seconds)

 Reader 2: humanity is disregarded. (DA-DA-DA)

(Silence – 30 full seconds)


Reader 1: The land mourns and wastes away, (Silence five full seconds)


Reader 1: Lebanon is ashamed and withers; (Silence five full seconds)

Reader 2: The fields of Sharon are like the desert, (DA-DA-DA)

                        Reader 2: The forests of Bashan and Carmel all drop their leaves. (DA-DA-DA)

Pastor: Wilderness Surrounds us. A domesticated and degraded wilderness all around.

Our soil has become toxic,

Our shorelines are eroding away.

Flint drinks poisonous water,

Gary is an Industrial wasteland.

Ice caps, Glaciers, Mountain tops…they all melt away. (DA-DA-DA)

(Silence – 1 Minute)


Reader 1: Then the Lord Said:

Reader 2: “Now I will arise! (DA)

                        Reader 2: Now I will lift myself up! (DA)

                        Reader 2: Now I will be exalted! (DA)

(Silence – 1 Minute)


Reader 1: The desert and the dry land will be glad;

                        Reader 2: the wilderness will rejoice and blossom!


Reader 1: Like a valley of fine flowers it will burst into bloom;

                        Reader 2: it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy!

(Silence – 30 Seconds)

Pastor: Oh God, is it possible? Could such prophetic fantasy ever become our reality?

Could an earth that is covered with concrete ever produce fresh flowers?

Could a sky that is choked with smog break out in song?

Could water that is contaminated, one day rejoice and shout for joy?

When will we realize that your creation is not an object to control or to divide-up and conquer?

When will You liberate this living, breathing, creation that we humans have left groaning?

(Silence 30 Seconds)

Pastor: Yes, it is possible.

Yes, we will hope.  

Yes, God will Act.

Yes, we will wait.


Reader 1: Yes, The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,

                        Reader 2: the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;

            Reader 1: Yes, all will see the glory of the LORD,

                        Reader 2: the splendor of our God.

(Silence 30 Seconds)


            Reader 1: Strengthen the feeble hands,


                        Reader 2: steady the knees that give way;


Reader 1: say to those with fearful hearts:

                        Reader 2: “Be strong! (DA)

Reader 2: do not fear! (DA)

                        Reader 2: your God will come! (DA)

Reader 1: with vengeance, (DA)

            Reader 1: with divine retribution, (DA)

            Reader 1: Your God will come to save you!” (DA)

(Silence 30 Seconds)

Pastor: Speak O LORD! Speak Loud! Speak Strength!

For there are people in this congregation with feeble hands.

People who are running on fumes.

People who are struggling to hold everything together.

Speak O LORD! Speak Loud! Speak Life!

For there are people in this city whose knees are about to give way.

People, who do not know if they will make it through another day.

People, who in this very moment are at the point of giving up.

So Speak LORD! Speak Loud! Speak Salvation!

For there are people in this community with fearful hearts.

People who are about to step out into the unknown.

People who do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Speak Lord. Come to us. Come and save us.

(Silence 30 Seconds)


            Reader 1: Then the eyes of the blind will be opened & the ears of the deaf unstopped.

Reader 2: Those who limp will leap like the deer, & the tongues of the speechless will shout for joy!

(Silence 30 Seconds)

Pastor: God, as we wait for you to act. As we wait for transformation. As we wait for your kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. May we who have eyes to see, may we learn how to trust and obey blindly. May we who are able to walk, may we learn how to slow down, and sit, and be still. May we who are quick to talk, may we learn how to be silent and listen.

May we who are able-bodied learn how to value and celebrate and include those with differing mental and physical abilities.


Reader 1: Water will gush forth in the wilderness (drum roll starts quietly and builds)

Reader 2: streams will appear in the desert. (drum roll continues to build)

            Reader 1: the burning sand will become a pool

Reader 2: the thirsty ground a bubbling fountain.

Reader 1: In the haunts where jackals once lay,

Reader 2: grass and reeds and papyrus will grow! (drum roll finishes)

(Silence 30 Seconds)

Pastor: God, as we wait for you to act. As we wait for transformation. As we wait for your kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. May we come to understand the indigenous wisdom: mni wiconi, water is life. May we who are surrounded by great lakes, learn how to keep the water clean. May we who have running taps, learn how to share our water with those who are thirsty.

(Silence 30 Seconds)


Reader 1: (Whisper) And a highway will be there;

                        Reader 2: (Whisper) it will be called the Way of Holiness;

Reader 1: (speaking voice) And a highway will be there;

                        Reader 2: (speaking voice) it will be called the Way of Holiness;

Reader 1: (Shout) And a highway will be there;

                        Reader 2: (shout) it will be called the Way of Holiness!

Reader 1: The unclean will not journey on it; (DA)

                        Reader 2: wicked fools will not go about on it. (DA)

Reader 1: No lion will be there, (DA)

                        Reader 2: nor will any violent predator be found there. (DA)

(Silence 15 seconds)

            Reader 1:  only the redeemed will walk there (da-da-da-DA)

Reader 2: those the LORD has rescued will return. (da-da-da-DA)

            Reader 1: They will enter Zion with singing; (da-da-da-DA)

                        Reader 2: everlasting joy, will crown their heads. (da-da-da-DA)

            Reader 1: Gladness and joy will overwhelm them, (da-da-da-DA)

                        Reader 2: sorrow and sighing will flee away. (DA-DA-DA)

(Silence 2 minutes)

(Piano, continues to play in the background.)

Pastor: God we are exiles. Exiles in an American Empire.

We are Exiles, but you cannot stand to be separated form us any longer.

We are Exiles, but you are the God of rescue.

God we are captives. Captive to a culture of consumerism and titillation.

We are captives, but you have bought us with a price.

We are captives, but you oh God, you are our redeemer.

God you are our Waymaker.

You are the one who makes newness possible. You are the one who makes a way in the wilderness.

God you are the holy one.

You are the one who makes holiness possible. You are the one who invites us to travel with you on the way of Holiness.

We are waiting for you God.

We are waiting for you to Act.

We are waiting for you to turn our silence into singing.

We are waiting for you to turn our real sorrow into an overwhelming joy.


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